San Antonio, TX — November 16, 2015 | Jan Tilley and her team at JTA Wellness are proud to announce the launch of their 30 day campaign on Kickstarter Crowd Funding, Inc. The campaign is designed to give investors the opportunity to help fund the publication and distribution of Eat Well to Be Well, Jan’s new book that encourages readers to take personal responsibility for their own health. Investors who go to will receive a signed copy of the book and other investor benefits.

Eat Well to Be Well is a powerful toolkit with a well-defined path to improve health and reverse chronic disease. The publishing and distribution of this book will deliver actionable wellness information to a larger population. This book provides direct and useful information to assist readers to make small but significant changes in how they eat, exercise, sleep and manage stress in an effort to stave off anti-inflammatory issues. As a healthcare provider, Jan has seen firsthand the power of using food as the first line of defense in battling chronic disease and improving wellness.

JTA is excited to be using Kickstarter, a state-of-the-art funding platform used to seek backers of creative projects. Kickstarter helps creators secure funding for everything from films to technology. Kickstarter is full of ambitious, innovative, and imaginative ideas that are brought to life through the direct support of others. Since their launch, on April 28, 2009, 9.9 million people have backed a project, $2.1 billion has been pledged, and 95,908 projects have been successfully funded.

Kickstarter and JTA welcome investors with the opportunity to pre-purchase Eat Well to Be Well and receive a signed copy mailed to them as soon as it is released and before it is available in stores! There are numerous other award options available on the site from books to membership in the JTA lifestyle program to a chance for Jan Tilley to personally orchestrate and attend a launch party in your home for you and your friends!

About Jan Tilley and JTA Wellness

Jan Tilley, President and CEO of JTA Wellness, is a highly respected dietitian and national leader in nutrition counseling, wellness and chronic disease management. Her private practice, JTA Wellness, includes a team of professionals who work with patients using a science based research approach to wellness. Jan holds a MS in Nutrition and has over 20 years of experience in the food and nutrition industry. Having authored numerous books including Getting Your Second Wind and Healthy Meals for Hurried Families, her third book focuses on the huge topic of “living your best life through the power of anti-inflammatory food”. In the spring of 2012, the Texas Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics awarded Jan the State Media Award which honors an outstanding individual that has made a positive impact on the promotion of nutrition and dietetics through the media. In 2014 Jan received the National Association of Women Business Owners Entrepreneurial Spirit Award.