Independent author uses the crowdfunding platform as his primary means for book launching.

There was a time when book launches involved touring bookstores and making appearances on radio and television. To some extent, this is still part of the package. But in the new frontier of publishing, alternative methods have risen which expands or takes the place of those older methods, relegating them to secondary positions of importance.

Doing a search on Amazon for how to do a book launch will pull up several different methods. One viable method which is the least popular is launching books via crowdfunding.

Business News Daily describes crowdfunding as:

“Crowdfunding is when businesses, organizations, or individuals fund a project or venture with small donations from many people. By receiving the necessary boost to cash flow, these ventures can get off the ground or launch new projects.”

Easton Livingston, a speculative fiction author, has decided to go that route with his new supernatural suspense thriller series The Nepios Conspiracy. He launched the Kickstarter for Book 1 in that series, Pandilla, on May 4th, 2021, currently at 82% of being fully funded. The Kickstarter will last until June 3rd and is located here:

The reason for his departure from the new norm is based on one word—simplicity.

“It’s a lot simpler to focus on just one thing instead of several different online retailers at the same time. By concentrating on just one place, I can focus all my energy there while still working on other projects. It’s more about streamlining my book launches, taking the stress out of them, more than anything else. Plus, you get to keep a bigger piece of the profits.”

This is nothing new, as other authors have done the same thing with varying degrees of success, like Michael J. Sullivan, who raised $119,337 for his fantasy novel Age of Death.

About Easton Livingston: Easton Livingston is a speculative fiction writer in the category of Dean Koontz, Stephen King, and Ted Dekker. He has written the standalone novel The Dark Corner as well as the trilogy The Poltergeist Files, featuring the superhuman assassin, Adlai Blackson. Pandilla is his fifth novel.