
East Texas University–Savage Worlds Kickstarter Link

Most Kickstarter campaigns have one goal in mind: how much money they can raise. Shane Hensley with Pinnacle Entertainment Group has a different idea with East Texas University: how many backers can he raise?

For the latest Kickstarter, East Texas University—Savage Worlds, Hensley decided to test his new strategy. After determining the minimum he needed to fund the project, he calculated stretch goals based on the number of backers.

“ETU is different from our two other campaigns in that it’s a pen-and-paper RPG set in modern day Texas, not the alternate history we’ve done with Deadlands Noir or Weird Wars Rome,” said Hensley. “Horror, though, that’s certainly a link that ties all three together. That’s something we’re well known for.”

Another winning strategy for Hensley is in making all stretch goals digital rewards. At the time of this release, the first stretch goal—“Trouble in Texas”, a soundtrack by Harry Mack—has been unlocked. At the conclusion of the Kickstarter, backers receive the primary book(s) of East Texas University and Degrees of Horror as downloads. Stretch goal products are sent to backers for download as they are completed. Hensley first used this strategy with the Weird Wars Rome Kickstarter.

All three Kickstarters use the award-winning game system Hensley created in 2003, Savage Worlds. East Texas University provides setting material and builds on the Savage Worlds core rules, so gamers can play students attending mythical East Texas University in Pinebox, Texas. From the Kickstarter page: “Students at East Texas University have a few more challenges than other students–balancing parties, studies, and saving the world! Everyone starts out as a wide-eyed freshman, but if you survive four years at ETU, you’ll be more than a graduate—you’ll be a hero!”

Supporters of Savage Worlds have responded enthusiastically, fully funding the Kickstarter goal in under two hours. More backers to the project unlock digital rewards for all those who pledged, such as printable miniatures, additional adventures, and setting material.

Savage Worlds was created by Shane Lacy Hensley. Savage Worlds, as well as East Texas University, Degrees of Horror, the ETU logo, and the Pinnacle logo are all trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. For more information, visit or contact Jodi Black, Licensee and Marketing Manager for Pinnacle, at

Download the graphic here: East Texas University–Savage Worlds Kickstarter

the author

Jodi is Marketing Manager for Pinnacle Entertainment Group, a tabletop roleplaying game company in business since 1994. Pinnacle is most known for the popular Deadlands setting and award-winning Savage Worlds game system. Jodi has been a freelance editor in the game industry for more than 7 years, gaining ENnie Award nods herself with Pinnacle and other game companies.