Costa Mesa, CA — March 20, 2016 | Author Dan Taylor is raising funds via a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to finance the editing and formatting of Dystrumpia: A Dystopian Tale of America for electronic and print publishing. The author has set out to raise $900 in order release Dystrumpia in a timely fashion and in sync with today’s volatile election season.

Dystrumpia is a work of fiction — dystopian fiction — inspired by the current events of the 2016 United States Presidential Election. The story contains elements of social commentary, dark humor, sci-fi speculation, and far-fetched hypotheses becoming increasingly and terrifyingly real.

In the year 2032, Trump is running unopposed for his fifth term as President of the United States. “Great America” is anything but. American refugees crowd the Canadian border. The media is heavily monitored for perceived libel by litigious regulators. State governments begin to put efforts into motion to secede. Civil liberties for immigrants and minorities dwindle. Under a clandestine shroud, the powers-that-be who let the tycoon tyrant perpetuate have put into motion a coup to reclaim the country. A diversified group of strangers are enlisted put an end to the reign of President Trump.

“I found myself waking up in the middle of the night terrified about a possible future should Donald Trump become President of the United States,” says Taylor. “I figured what better way to exercise this particular demon than by writing a novel?”

Dystrumpia is on track to be a novel of at least 40,000 words based on the current outline, but appears as if it might hit 50,000+ words before the final draft is wrapped up and ready to publish.

Over the last fifteen years Dan Taylor has self-published comic books, most notably the fan-favorite Hero Happy Hour (available on comiXology). He has also written the comics and background material for Mecha Workshop’s Armarauders action figure line. He also did a four year stint as editor with IDW Publishing working on comic book lines such as Transformers, Star Trek, Metal Gear Solid, and many more.

For more information please visit the Dystrumpia Kickstarter campaign page at or Be sure to follow Dystrumpia on Facebook and Twitter (@dystrumpia) to be informed of the progress of the Kickstarter campaign, as well as other happenings regarding Dystrumpia.