Zwolle, Netherlands — On November 23 Inklace launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise funds for Duval Antique, a wonderful series of adventure comics and awesome travel guides.

“This series is different from all other comic strips you’ve possibly seen,” says the creator, “It’s more like short historical investigations, marvelously illustrated. Even those who don’t usually read comics will enjoy them!”

The main character, Archont Duval, is a world-renowned archeologist and antique shop owner. He and his niece and nephew come face to face with ancient tangled puzzles. Fascinating adventures, secret sites and ancient hidden treasures await them all over the globe.

Each story is based on real historical events and facts, thoroughly selected and checked. You can enjoy the plot of the story and dive into history at the same time. These comics are great for people of all ages, whether you are travelling or enjoying them from home.

Inklace is currently trying to raise funds for 5 new stories of the series, where adventures will take place in Egypt, China, the U.S., Turkey and in a knight’s castle in Austria.

“The project is created by a group of young people from different countries: authors and illustrators from the Netherlands and the U.S., historians, archeologists, developers and translators from all over the world,” the creator explains, “They gathered to create these series to show all the world’s history wonders through the light, easy to understand format of a comic book.”

In exchange for pledging to the project, backers can gain access to a variety of rewards including the PDF versions of five finished stories for $5, the first set in print for the price of $40, and much more. Backers can also pledge $50 for a promo code that gives them unlimited downloads of ALL Inklace comics and guides in the Duval Antique App for FREE. You can also become a minor character or even the main character (you get to choose if you want to be a hero or villain)!

Any charitable organization can get promo codes for all stories for free. Simply contact the authors via email.

For more information, please visit the Indiegogo page here or contact the creator below.

Contact Information

Inklace, LLC