Dog Moms is a comedy web series that follows four divas and their pups as they struggle to balance their day-to-day gossip, essential rosé consumption, and the responsibilities of motherhood. This isn’t your typical Real Housewives parody. In this “reality TV show,” the dogs have their own opinions, aspirations, and observations about their moms’ flagrant behavior.
Beyond providing hilarious entertainment, Dog Moms is revolutionizing the way charitable causes think about their awareness campaigns. Our show hopes to inspire people to appreciate animals for more than just their cute and cuddly nature. We here at Dog Moms believe that if more people develop deeper empathy towards animals, then more people would be willing to defend their rights.
All kinds of causes use campaigns that leave people feeling guilty and depressed. (Lookin’ at you Sarah McLachlan) We want to show that greater impact can be made through campaigns that are uplifting, entertaining, and (in our case) hysterical.We whole heartedly believe the most effective way to achieve this is by making people laugh. Comedy is disarming and can inspire even those with the firmest beliefs to consider an alternative perspective. We’re hoping to inspire activists of all types to “catch more flies with honey than with vinegar” in awareness campaigns of the future.
In addition to creating the show, 10% of all donations will go directly to the Humane Society.
To learn more check out
If you support animal welfare, awareness campaigns that don’t depend on fear mongering, women in entertainment, and independent artists, consider donating to our show. Or if these aren’t reasons aren’t good enough for you, we have PRIZES if you donate! Check them out on our Indiegogo page, here:
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Follow us on Instagram at @thereeldogmoms