Comedy-rapper Devo Spice is planning to release a Doctor Who concept album and has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund its production. The album will feature one song per incarnation of The Doctor plus the title track “I Am The Doctor.”
Doctor Who is a classic British science fiction series about an alien known only as The Doctor who travels through time and space in a blue box called the TARDIS. The show is about to celebrate its 50th anniversary and has been more popular than ever since its 2005 revival. The Doctor has the ability to “regenerate” into a new body when he is severely injured or near death meaning multiple actors have played The Doctor over the years. The current Doctor, played by Matt Smith, is the 11th which means the album will have 11 songs, one for each Doctor, along with the title track.
Devo Spice is a comedian and rapper from New Jersey who has become one of the most popular artists on the Dr. Demento Show. He has had several #1 hits on the show including “Inner Voice” and “Cellular Degeneration.” He is also a life-long Doctor Who fan and had already written a couple songs about the show when he decided to take on this project.
“I wrote ‘I Am The Doctor’ back in 2011 just because I wanted to write a new Doctor Who song,” says Devo Spice, whose real name is Tom Rockwell. “When I decided to do the concept album I decided to use that song as the title track.”
The other song which has already been completed and released is “Companion Application” which is the song for Peter Davison’s Doctor. He was the fifth actor to play The Doctor and also makes a cameo appearance on the song.
“I was thrilled when Peter agreed to appear on the song,” says Rockwell who has a couple other Doctor Who actors potentially lined up for cameo appearances on the album.
Rockwell is looking to raise $2175 to cover the mixing and mastering of the song and the production of the CDs. He has some additional plans for the album once he reaches his goal but needs to ensure he can fund its production first.
You can check out his Kickstarter campaign here.