Dimensional Key Studios is a home-grown design studio, based out of Saint Louis, Missouri. Our current project is an action adventure game, featuring prisoners put through a maze for a chance at freedom.
The game, titled DKS’s Realty Death Maze, is styled in a hyper violent, comical game show environment. Featuring hilarious death traps, a myriad of unique characters, an obnoxiously snarky and hilarious host, DKS’s Reality Death Maze promises hours of humor and fun.
Running off of Unreal Engine with Autodesk 3ds Max assets, this will allow us as developers to be enabled to produce a higher quality game.
After starting the game, a player will have his/her choice of five prisoners dropped from the ceiling into the maze, beginning the carnage. Three levels of difficulty will offer certain challenge on all fronts. Easy will have seven death traps, Hard will have fifteen, and Extreme will have thirty-four.
There will be four mazes: Deep Cavern, Tundra Pass, Island Storm, and Space Station (working names). Each maze will have a unique set of obstacles, having a set of seven to nine different traps. Some of these death traps will be based on luck, and some will be based on skill.
A “luck” based trap might include three passage ways, two that drop giant boulders and one that is clear. If a player activates a boulder, it will fall and kill the prisoner, leaving two more options. The traps that utilize chance will have a set of diminishing options, continually increasing the chance of success.
A “skill” trap may comprise of a volley of menacing buzz saws, which will require precise timing to pass. A misstep will mean the demise of a prisoner.
Every play through a maze will spawn a complete randomization of the death traps. This will offer a massive amount of variety and play through value. Upon completing a maze on a certain difficulty with a prisoner, the player will unlock a reward for that character, as well as a bit of his/her story. Twenty characters are expected to be available at launch, with the possibility of more available in DLCs.
We have several social networks to connect with consumers, including Facebook, Youtube, Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviant Art. To help gain funding for the project, Dimensional Key Studios also has a Kick Starter. Our goal is $65,000.
The $25 reward features a digital comic book of the back story behind the game show, as well as all the previous rewards; including a mobile wall paper, a copy of the game, and a 3D model set of each character with their own back stories.
DKS’s Reality Death Maze is expected to be launched in March 2014 at a cost of $2.99 in the Android and Apple app stores.