A modern 3D Collectathon platformer “Distro Horizons Vs. Galaximo’s Army”, developed by independent developer Kitatus Studios, launched on Kickstarter Janurary 24th 2014. It has just under a month to raise the £5,000 funding goal to secure the future of the project. An early alpha build of the project, showing gamers what the game currently feels like, is free to download on the Kickstarter page.

Distro Horizons was announced on Kitatus Studios’ webpage late 2013. Inspired by the greats such as Banjo Kazooie, Conker’s Bad Fur Day and Super Mario 64, Distro Horizons takes the best pieces that made these games as unforgettable as they are and sprinkles a modern touch to propell the forgotten genre into 2014. The game has an early alpha demo on the Kickstarter page which can be tried out as we speak.

Based on the idea of navigating through many different dimensions (Each with their own unique artstyle), the aim of the game is to travel many different worlds and explore unique and beautiful lands in order to gain enough power to take on the evil overlord Galaximo.

The project is planned for a summer 2014 release and the alpha build is available on the Distro Horizons Kickstarter page!

the author

We are a small team of video-game developers that have our sights set on blowing your socks off. Our mission is to make video-games that are as fun as they used to be. A lot of games around now are turning into chores to play; Where's the fun in that? Back in the golden age, Games were all about fun; You WANTED to play them, you weren't forced to. So we've built a time machine (We might be lying about that) so we can bring the best of the golden age of gaming and inject it into today's video-game scene! Let's bring fun back into gaming!