Michelle has gotten a new liver and needs help to raise funds to pay her student loan back and achieve her goal to finish school and become an art student! Here are some of the reasons why this is:

1. I have withdrawn from Emily Carr University of Art & Design for this semester due to the fact that I had a Liver Transplant at the end of January and am currently living with my mother while I recover. I have about a year and a half left of schooling.

2. I was diagnosed with Lupus, a chronic illness that attacks the immune system, and basically is just an ass and attacks the body, because it thinks it’s an enemy. It also causes me to have arthritis and joint pain, and flare-ups, which can be very painful and make even the most simplest task hard to do, and makes it hard to keep or find a job. For a while I was taking a medication that’s a steroid, but stopped it, now it has damaged my hip and I will be needing hip replacement surgery to fix it.

3. I come from a low-income family, meaning I had no money and my family is not able to fund my education, as much as they would like to. I have gotten some small scholarships and bursaries here and there but not sufficient enough to pay for school and rent, food, bills, etc. (I was living on my own at the time)

4.Recently I just learned I will be no longer qualified for any more student loans because I have withdrawn from school while getting student loans on two separate occasions, so that means no money at all, but also means I won’t be relying on loans any more, which is a win/lose situation.

“The “Earth” without “art” is just “Eh”

Michelle William’s campaign is live on Indiegogo.  For questions or inquiries please contact Michelle via email: nadine.m.williams@gmail.com