Back in 2005, a small group of fans set out to create their own story within the vast universe of Star Wars. It took a little while, but after 9 years, and involving a team of hundreds of artists around the world & countless work hours spent, the fan film “Threads of Destiny” was complete.

Star Wars: Threads of Destiny is one of YouTube’s most viewed and downloaded fan films ever and as fan movies the most successful of all with their breathtaking 9.5 million views.

The Swedish author and director Rasmus Tirzitis have since the premiere of the film made his directorial debut Vilsen / Ave Mater a multi-award winning film and are in the pre-production for his next film “Skuggjaget”.

The fan’s demands for more of Star Wars: Threads of Destiny have not diminished over the years and from the beginning it was thought that Threads of Destiny would be a trilogy of films, Rasmus and his team of artists Kenny Groom and Ewelina Mroczkowska have been on the wishes and starts a campaign to do reality of the “Legacy of Darkness” and “Seeds of Betrayal”.

By turning the scripts into a comic book series they decided it would be an interesting way to share their stories with their fellow fans regardless. In particular, their goal is to retell “Legacy of Darkness” over a series of 4 issues to continue the stories of the original characters, and based on the reception to follow up with “Seeds of Betrayal” in a similar fashion. For this purpose they have already spent years fine tuning the original scripts into something they feel is pretty powerful and unique.

Rasmus Tirzitis, director of “Threads of Destiny”
– I hope I can get you all as interested and excited in this as I am! How far we can bring the story to completion will be decided by the amount of funding the campaign will achieve. And who knows where the journey will take us from there… We have some cool concepts and scenes I’m longing to share with you all.