An innovative new artist needs your help to fund her art book entitled “DickPics: A Compilation of Crudely Drawn Cocks”

The idea for “DickPics: A Compilation of Crudely Drawn Cocks” was conceived after years of debauchery as a single girl in a technology obsessed world. Modern hook ups have evolved into a no nonsense game of show and tell; where pictures of private parts are shared freely between interested parties. What began as a bizarre means of amusing close friends and family members quickly turned into a surprisingly therapeutic hobby and the premise for a very unusual book.

“DickPics: A Compilation of Crudely Drawn Cocks” contains 50 full color art pieces illustrating unusual interpretations of dick “selfies”.

The penises printed in the book originate from eager donors responding to CraigsList ads for penis pictures. Each contributor received $1.00 in exchange for a fine art archival print and a signed copyright release.

The author has decided to run a Kickstarter campaign to try and crowd-source the $4,000 necessary to self publish the book. All donations will help defray the costs of printing and distributing the book. Hopefully, with enough sales, “DickPics: A Compilation of Crudely Drawn Cocks” will be distributed widely to various retail stores nation and world wide.

Click here to view the Kickstarter campaign

Kickstarter campaigns operate under an “all-or-nothing” funding model so if the DickPics project doesn’t reach it’s goal at the end of 60 days then self-publishing will no longer be an option. Be sure to follow them on Twitter (@dickpicsthebook) to follow their progress and make sure to spread the word to your social media networks. Consider donating as little as $1 to help their project come to life.

If you’d like more information about the “DickPics: A Compilation of Crudely Drawn Cocks”, or to schedule an interview with the author, Michelle Oelhafen, please email

Contact Information

Michelle Oelhafen
Twitter: @dickpicsthebook