Against the Dark Yogi is a high-action tabletop RPG where the players take on the role of epic heroes, destined to defend the mythological India-inspired world of Bhurloka from the machinations of the Dark Yogi, a sinister figure attacking the dharma, the order of the world, itself.

On the subcontinent of Bhurloka are a thousand cities with a myriad customs. Hundreds of city-states and small kingdoms parcel up civilization, with great swaths of untamed forests and mountains wedged between. Wandering ascetics practice austerities on mountaintops, seeking spiritual enlightenment and supernatural powers. Rajas stand before their palaces, speaking to their peoples. Archers, surpassing all others in skill, compete for great prizes and boons. Chariots roll and elephants march with armies to war. And all the while the devas look down upon the world from their celestial home, watching events and warding off attacks from their eternal rivals, the asuras.

Against the Dark Yogi blends mythic Indian flavor with intuitive and tactical mechanics. The core system, Saga Machine, has been in use for six years, while Against the Dark Yogi itself has gone through four public beta test releases, as well as numerous internal releases.

Gameplay highlights include:

  • Power levels and game play are designed to scale up, so players can be the big damn mythic heroes they always wanted to be!
  • The combat system is designed to handle everything from epic duels to pitched battles, where the heroes lead or defeat armies.
  • GMs have the option to run a campaign spanning multiple generations, with in-depth rules for creating and playing new incarnations of past heroes.
  • Optional rules allow the use of traditional Ganjifa Indian playing cards, bringing to the game a touch more Indian flavor.
    There is a system where player characters can accrue both good or bad karma, bringing about consequences for their actions.
  • Abilities and archetypes are drawn directly from Indian myth!

What’s best, all backers can access the draft text of Against the Dark Yogi today!

Check out the Kickstarter project!