Vienna, Austria – On Jan 12, à tout le Monde Studios, creative group behind Coolest Clock and, launched an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign for their latest comic series “Under the Dark Sun – Sirens.” The comic book story takes place in a futuristic society where humanity lives alongside werewolves, mecha pilots, crow masters, janissaries, and more. With steampunk elements and compelling characters, this series makes readers question the concepts of love, religion, and what it means to be human.

“This comic book series is carefully crafted, not just as entertainment, but as a big piece of art and philosophy,” says Muammer Derebasi, the creator of Under the Dark Sun – Sirens. “I believe if you can tell a good story in a great way, the audience finds that story by themselves. I believe in Under the Dark Sun and I have the right tools to tell this story in a great way.”

Living in a blueish and darkish world, the characters are segmented into a variety of societal castes including Janissaries, Archers, and interact with unique technological tools like “pickers,” which are giant robotic portals that seem to lead underneath the earth.

Members of this futuristic society have extremely regimented lives, where waking, bedtime and movement is scheduled with sirens. They blindly obey the societal rules and don’t question orders.

“We find in this issue that our ‘mecha’ pilot sees somebody who does not have that faded face,”  says Muammer Derebasi. “Instead, it is a face that seems like it is coming from a warmer place. Like somewhere near, under the dark sun but maybe more underneath that he had ever seen his life.”

The funds pledged on Indiegogo will be used to finance the initial production run of the comic book series, including printing and marketing costs. In exchange for supporting the Indiegogo campaign, backers will gain access to a variety of “perks” or “rewards” including a digital or print edition of Under the Dark Sun issue #0, concept art, a special edition of the comic book, and inclusion in the credits of Under the Dark Sun. These rewards can be claimed until March 13, 2015, when the crowdfunding campaign is over

For more information, you can contact the creator below or check out the project here.