Fostering Dream Through Dance has just launched! Fostering Dreams Through Dance is a documentary film that educates foster youth through the art of dance. World renown choreographers will teach a select group of foster youth life skills using dance as a medium while we document their lives and their journey through dance.

The film will explore how dance impacts their lives and what changes we see in them after their education. In addition, they’ll be given dance scholarships so they can continue their dance journey after the cameras stop rolling.

Because foster youth have no one to sign a photo release form, only a US court order can allow someone to put foster youth on camera. Fostering Dreams Through Dance has the first such court order in US history and will be the first time foster youth have been put on camera so they can tell their story, through their eyes, as it happens to them.

We are also seeking to expose some of the issues with the foster care system and use this project as a vehicle not only to tell a beautiful story, but also to drive discussions and actions to change foster care as we currently know is. We also are seeking to use the film as a vehicle to get more educational programs, such as this one, set up throughout North America.

Fostering Dreams Through Dance has teamed up with Peter Samuelson and the First Star program at UCLA to bring education and college preparation to these kids and bring their story to the world.

The kickstarter campaign was launched on march 12th and is seeking $30,000 in completion funds in order to pay for the needed labor and equipment during the 30 day shoot. Please help us spread the word so we can make a difference in these kids lives. These gifted, remarkable youth have been invisible for too long and we need help to change that.