Raising 20,000$ in just 44 days is no easy task, however Cycle of Tyrfing, has been positively received on Steam’s Greenlight Workshop.

Receiving a 97% approval from the community, it is clear that a game like Cycle of Tyrfing is something that many people have been waiting for.

Cycle of Tyrfing is an Indie Rogue Like Action Title Heavily inspired by Metroid and Castlevania, and Loosely based off the Norse Saga of the same name.

Each Playthrough is different, the world you play in will never be the same twice.

The expansive world rewards exploration. In fact; a given stage will have multiple possible routes, each leading to a different climactic boss encounter.
The enemies are unruly, but defeating them yields new power ups, experience points and potential growth. Depending on the cards you are dealt you need to plan each encounter.

Do you run into battle blindly? Or assess the situation and take calculated risks?


Learn more, Visit our Kickstarter Page

The world you play in is procedurally generated. This also means that the types of foes you encounter will vary as well.

It’s good to know that there are many different ways to approaching conflicts with these monsters.

Get up close and Personal – Using Tyrfing (The Titular sword) you can hack and slash your enemies. Your character can swing the blade with ease, and you have a variety of sword based moves that you can utilize. The downside is that you are close enough for enemies to easily fight back.

You can also spawn “Release” attacks if you have them equipped. Release attacks are violent elemental bursts that have varying ranges, and effects..

Side arms offer various ways of attacking enemies without having to necessarily be nearby.

You can Synergize a Side Arm with a Release attack and really injure enemies without having to get up close at all.


Like the Classic Castlevania and Metroid titles of the past, Dispatching enemies and exploration are heavily emphasized, and make up the core mechanics of Cycle of Tyrfing.

With that all in mind, it is important for anyone who supports indie game development, and for those who want to see more quality indie titles to act now.

If this is a game that you would like to play, take advantage of the early bird specials while they last.


Are the any questions left unanswered?

Our Kickstarter page has a facts, answers and questions section. We encourage you to check it out.

Kickstarter: www.kickstarter.com
Steam Concepts : steamcommunity.com

Contact Information

Donovan Jackson (Founder of Demon Sword)
Cell Phone : 902-877-5612
Email: dizimz@gmail.com