The Roar short film has managed to raise $19,451 on Kickstarter and is still accepting pledges for 6 more hours! Described as a “10 minute supernatural drama; a sober take on the superhero genre, told through real themes and experiences,” this project has made steady progress over it’s 18 day fundraising duration.
I had the chance to interview the creator of this short film crowdfunding project and gain some insight into their Kickstarter tactics and challenges. Check out the interview below and if you liked it, leave a comment!
What was your biggest misconception about raising money on Kickstarter?
I don’t think we necessarily had any misconceptions, we knew it was going to be a very anxious, stressful but amazing few weeks, and we were right!
What are two or three things you’ve learned from raising money on Kickstarter?
1. People are awesome, we’ve been blown away by the support, encouragement and pledges we’ve had from our networks.
2. Kickstarters for short films are hard.
3. Don’t expect to get much sleep.
How did you go about engaging strangers regarding your campaign?
We realised after contacting a lot of blogs and industry websites, that getting attention on a short film that’s still in development is a hard sell. Instead we re-focused our efforts onto reaching out to our networks, and in turn having them engage their networks. This created a ripple effect of sorts, and got us some crucial backers.
If you could give advice to your former self 3 months before the launch, what advice would you give?
Get more sleep. We’d also consider featuring ourselves in the video. Our idea was to create some intrigue with our launch film and show our talents, instead of talking heads for 3 minutes, but I think if we ran another campaign we might take a different approach to help us reach a wider audience.
What do you believe was the most critical part of your success?
Not giving up. Constantly reaching out to new people, and keeping up momentum is why we succeeded. We also had some great team members on board that helped us a lot with spreading the word.