Doorbells and Gunshots is a dark comedy short film and modern coming of age story written and directed by Michael Hanratty.

The movie tells the story of a young man trying to find his place in a sexually charged, violent world where nothing is as it seems.  Along the way he encounters a literature and classical music-loving philosopher of sorts, struggling with his own demons and the two strike up an unlikely friendship.  The arrival of a mysterious stranger shatters the tranquillity of the philosopher’s beautifully melodic world.

Doorbells and Gunshots pays homage to those filmmakers who have influenced Hanratty’s career. Like all the great dark comedy masters, the short film examines the fatalism of the human experience exploring taboo themes to unlock a quintessentially 21st century morality tale.

Like most short films, one of the project’s key goals is to showcase the amazing talents of the creative team. Assembling a talented and highly qualified cast and crew has proven far less challenging than originally envisioned due largely to the brilliance of the script. Having the opportunity to work on such an exciting and strong project has been the driving factor for everyone involved.

The film is also an opportunity to tell a very modern story of what it means to be a young man in a brutal, self-absorbed, social media obsessed, “post-truth” world.

The producing team has managed to cut the original budget in half over the last few months, and is now looking to crowdfunding to source the cash needed to begin shooting in mid-January 2017.

To help this short film click on the following link: “Doorbells and Gunshots” Kickstarter Campaign.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and visit the film’s website for all the latest news and updates regarding Doorbells and Gunshots.