CB DEVELOPMENTS, INC. – Cannabis company launches CampaignCannabis.com:  The Cannabis industry platform for capital raising.

Starting a business in the cannabis or hemp industry can be a difficult-seemingly impossible task for entrepreneurs with less experience and less access to capital networks. With financial institutions watching on the sidelines, over 80% of cannabis business start up money is coming from their own resources.

CampaignCannabis is offering a powerful solution to this major issue facing the growing industry. A crowdfunding platform for the legal emerging hemp and cannabis industries, CampaignCannabis is the first platform to accept projects and funding plans for start ups/expanding hemp and marijuana businesses in search of capital.

Crowdfunding, a relatively new financing concept drew major interest from the american public through the launch of successful sites such as Kickstarter.com, Indiegogo.com and Gofundme.com. Crowd funding is define by investopedia.com as: The use of small amounts of capital from a large number of individuals to finance a new business venture. Crowdfunding makes use of the easy accessibility of vast networks of friends, family and colleagues through social media websites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to get the word out about a new business and attract investors. Crowd funding has the potential to increase entrepreneurship by expanding the pool of investors from whom funds can be raised beyond the traditional circle of owners, relatives and venture capitalists.

CampaignCannabis.com officially set to launch by the end of summer, is currently accepting project submissions. Initially, the platform will only accept projects categorized as ancillary. Some of the different campaigns expected to be seeking funding: technology companies, film and documentary, books/authors, branding and marketing services, nutritional products and services, application/software developers, artists, security services, entertainment, developers/designers: any business related to the legal marijuana and hemp markets. Also expected to seek funding via CampaignCannabis.com are cannabis and hemp advocacy organizations and political candidates seeking contributions for cannabis related political campaigns.

Project backers, or ‘customers’ support the campaigns by making small(er) monetary contributions. These amounts can be as little as $1.00 to several thousand dollars. These backers are then given a ‘reward’ of some sort. These are usually predefined before the campaign is launched so backers can determine at which level they would like to pledge their contributions. Each level will have its own reward. Many successful crowdfunding campaigns have raised funds offering rewards such as “Thank You” shout outs on social media, or a T shirt with some sort of relevance to the business.

“We expect campaigns to raise anywhere from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands. The beauty of crowdfunding is ultimately, your success is determined by how well you can convince the ‘crowd’. Essentially there are no limits,” says Brian Batrowny, founder of CampaignCannabis.com. “If you can get people to buy into you and your idea- they are buying into your business.”

CampaignCannabis offers other powerful services on their platform as well. Utilizing a social media network in excess of 190,000, gives CampaignCannabis the ability to directly market and ultimately communicate with the target market. This offers the unique ability to drastically increase exposure and buzz around campaigns launched on the crowdfunding platform, Batrowny said. “Leveraging our network of close to 200,000- all subscribed because of an expressed interest in cannabis business, gives us a unique advantage over the competition and offers major value for entrepreneurs in capital formation mode.