99-for-$99, Dragonfly Futurefön crowdfunding begins on Monday October 20, 2014
Smartphones are used for everything these days, however; they are very limiting. We use multiple mobile devices but our go to device is always our phone. The only problem is that when we are on the go, we leave the most useful devices behind (i.e. laptop, tablet, Bluetooth, stylus, etc.)
We know that this occurs out of necessity rather than desire. In other words what if you had a device that folds and transforms to what you need when you need it?
We believe people desire one device to unite them all, versatility that allows for a simple way to get every feature you need, at the right time and place.
In the first article, it cites that we use our phones more and more, its not that we don’t use our laptops or tablets. So, by including these desired features to our phones, we create the best smartphone by artfully weaving the best uses and features of a phone, a laptop and a tablet together, calling it the Dragonfly Futurefön.
Futurefön is a new category of smartphone that refers to the inclusion of other extremely useful mobile features to create one ultimate mobile device. On Monday, October 20, 2014, Idealfuture will be launching a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. The first 99 contributors will be able to get their hands on the Dragonfly Futurefön for $99.
Founder, Jeff Batio, is eager to show the world the true potential of the smartphone with his iteration the Futurefön,
“With all the other companies creating the same repetitive devices, we are proud to show everyone that one device can revolutionize how we use our phones!” – Jeff Batio, CEO and F0under Idealfuture, Inc.
Idealfuture is taking a bold step toward changing the course of the mobile industry and now is your chance to join them in their efforts!
Related links:
Link to campaign will be live on Monday – dragonflyfuturefon
By: Bridget K Hogan