Ever wonder how abortion doctors are murdered and why nobody has ever taken tobacco executives to task? That is the question posed in Dre Allen’s gripping kidnap drama called “Where There’s Fire”.

The film is a brilliant portrayal of a young man, Vincent James, who loses his wife to lung cancer and a year later is himself diagnosed with the same disease. The only thing is, Vincent is a non smoker. He promptly attends a cancer support group and progresses from denial, to anger, to rage throughout the film. In a manic series of events, he decides to stage his greatest contribution to humanity in the form of the kidnapping of a group of tobacco executives.

But how far is he willing to go to make his statement? The film explores the human condition, the modern health care system, corporate greed, and asks the question “how could a product that kills 50-70% of it’s customers still be allowed to be sold in every retail chain in America. There is blood shed. Plenty of it, which brings to mind the vigilante films of yesterday but with a twist. Seemingly innocent executives gunned down simply for doing business?

The movie makes the audience question the limits of their moral compass and explore just how much accountability is to be had by the buyers of the products and how much should be shared by the manufacturers. Especially in light of the fact that a large percentage of those 6 million people who die every year are only subject to second hand smoke.

Produced by Las Vegas startup ASG Films, the movie is set to be filmed at the world famous Riviera Hotel Casino in Las Vegas (the same property that doubled as The Tangiers in Robert Deniro’s classic gangster flick “Casino”) and stars a largely unknown cast of engaging actors and actresses. But a project with the drama meter peaked like it is in “Where There’s Fire” is a definite career maker destined to turn quite a few heads on the festival circuit and potentially on into mainstream distribution and dare we say a theatrical release. Expect big things for this project. Look for “Where There’s Fire” on Kickstarter at the end of June.