In this incredible story you will be able to witness how a person diagnosed with BPD used this condition that is so critical to many, to their advantage, giving it meaning.

“The moment my therapist told me that I had BPD the world came crashing down on me, but I also felt relief because after years of treatment someone had finally been able to tell me what my real diagnosis was. This gave me some relief but to avoid hurting myself, my therapist recommended different ways to channel the crisis and one of them was to write. I am not one of those people who only like to write their thoughts on a piece of paper and then keep them, I prefer to tell a story with these emotions. This is how I channeled all those thoughts that were flooding me, in the form of a story.

The original work was going to be a book for an RPG game and that’s why I started working in collaboration with Felipe Llanos, a graphic designer friend of mine. The only problem was that in order to create a solid and coherent world for such a game, I had to structure and detail all the Lore.

Because of the BPD crisis that I suffered from time to time, I started to make the world I was creating more extensive, having at first writing intervals of weeks or months between one story and another but in the last time this changed to days with more than 12 hours writing. Once the first part was finished, we realized that the text was really long, so Felipe recommended me to turn it into a novel. That’s how the first book was born after some adjustments and that’s the reason why it was written in an uncommon way. It has been more than 4 years since I started writing Fated Crisis, the first volume of the Crossover saga, but now we are at a critical point because the country where I currently live does not have the optimal environment to publish my novel with the strength I need. That’s why I have to travel to the UK to get in touch with a publishing house in order to promote and publish Crossover: Fated Crisis.

Regarding the original idea, we have not discarded it. We have the idea to expand the Crossover universe in different areas in order to produce more and better quality material for the future fans of this great adventure.