Photojournalist from Bellevue designs first ever iPhone case that allows users to take photographs holding the phone horizontally rather than vertically

Seattle, WA – April 2, 2014 – Thomas Hurst, Seattle area father of 4, and an award-winning photojournalist with 20 years of experience, has created an iPhone case with a built-in sliding lens which allows you to capture photographs without being noticed.

Hurst has launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to put COVR into production. Nonexistent until now, COVR Photo is held steady in one hand, aimed at your subject just as you might aim your remote at your TV. This unique patent-pending design allows the user to capture life’s moments the way they naturally happen.

Have you ever tried to take a photo of your kids doing something funny, only to have them turn their heads once you hold your phone up to take a photo? COVR is subtle – you won’t interrupt a special moment as it unfolds before you.

“Everyone has become a photographer in the age of smartphones,” Hurst said, “But as easy as the technology has allowed photography to become, our iPhones still don’t allow us to be present without being obtrusive. As soon as we pull out our iPhones and hold them up to capture a picture, people become aware, they stare, shift, change – the picture changes and what you wanted to capture for forever, is lost. This is why I created COVR Photo, so we don’t miss the images that really matter.”

As a seasoned photojournalist, Hurst believes the COVR Photo Lens Case will also be popular among professional photographers. Emmy-award winning visual journalist Richard Koci Hernandez who boasts over 200,000 Instagram followers, where he showcases his popular iPhoneography, tried the COVR prototype for a week and shared, “You must know that I consider it a bad day if someone notices me shooting images, for the exact reasons COVR was created. I’d back this project in a hot second.”

Hurst and his team of engineers and designers have been working on COVR Photo for over a year and are looking to raise $80,000 through Kickstarter to put the case into production. “We need funds to pay for the tooling and fixtures as well as the first production run.”

In addition to the iPhone case, COVR Photo comes with an iOS app that includes quick switch between COVR mode and regular iPhone camera mode, video recording with timer, and front and rear camera options.

Early adopters of the Kickstarter campaign can pre-order one COVR Photo case and the iOS app for $55 before they retail at $69.95. Other backer rewards include signed prints from Hurst’s collection of war photography.

Download the Press Kit including photos, bio on inventor Thomas Hurst, and more at You can view the project on Kickstarter at COVRPhoto

Media Contact: Justin Dean, 678-665-4305,