Cos Culture Magazine, an independent print publication dedicated to promoting the art and culture of cosplay, have officially launched their Kickstarter campaign. The publication has set out to raise $9,000 through crowdfunding in order to increase print publication to six times per year, manage legal fees associated with registering the Cos Culture Magazine trademark, and to cover manufacturing, marketing, and distribution costs. The Kickstarter can be found here.

Since its first edition, the publication has received enormous support and positive feedback from the cosplay community. Cos Culture Magazine has released three print issues as well as a total of nine digital issues through their website, and beginning in April 2016 will be releasing the print magazine on a bi-monthly publication schedule. Cos Culture was created as a means to promote the work of cosplayers, prop makers, cosplay photographers, and artists to help share the amazing niche world of cosplay with a broader audience.

The magazine is distributed to stores across Canada and shipped all around the world through their official website, and will soon be expanding distribution to retailers across the globe. Cos Culture aims to prove that “the little guy” can have just as big an impact on the world and shine just as bright as global corporations and media conglomerates, and has a steadfast ideology of being advertisement-free and standing up to corporate competition to maintain a publication that will change the face of the cosplay community. As a small company, Cos Culture guarantees that their core values of non-discrimination, positivity, and inclusivity will be maintained throughout the duration of the publication.

Cos Culture focuses on the craft, dedication and passion that is involved in cosplay, and are eager to share more of this amazing community with their readers. They are not just a standard magazine – in addition to also being a periodical collector’s art book focused on cosplay, Cos Culture has grown to be a community of like-minded people who come together over their shared passions. Their vision is that of a magazine that promotes the positive aspects of the cosplay community in a way that readers can relate to. Themes such as gender stereotyping and identity confidence in cosplay have appeared in previous issues, and future issues will include stories of triumph in the face of adversity, such as one woman’s story of how she overcame her depression and anxiety through cosplay.

The publication has calculated the minimum required to continue operation for a minimum of one more year of publishing, and all money raised through Cos Culture’s Kickstarter campaign will go towards printing costs, improving distribution and equipment, and expanding their team of contributors. Any additional funds above the initial goal will be allocated towards growing their workplace and adding new content to the magazine and website. As a small business published by their own publishing company, Cos Culture guarantees all funds will go directly into improving the magazine and its infrastructure.

Cos Culture Magazine was created in Ottawa and first released in Summer 2014, and is created and published by Nikko Marie through her independent creative media publishing company NH Creative Inc. Nikko serves as Editor in Chief, marketer, publisher, researcher, and graphic designer.

For more information, please visit the Kickstarter page here or contact the creator below.

Contact Information

Nikko Marie
Editor, Cos Culture Magazine
Published by NH Creative Inc.

Nikko is available for Interviews, Podcasts, Google Hangouts and Email Interviews. She would love to connect with you!