
Breaker’s End is about an ageing couple who live their lives in a tent in a dingy forest somewhere in England. Chloe sells paintings and seashells for a bit of money. Isaac wiles away his days playing a tuneless upright piano someone dumped in the forest years before. It’s miserable, but it’s the only life they know. But then the government passes a bill authorising the sale of England’s remaining forests to private interests, and the simple little life they’ve managed to eke out is split apart…

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Corban Wilkin, winner of the 2012 Cape Graphic Short Story Prize, has been working over the last two years on his debut graphic novel Breaker’s End. A 200-page comics novel in the tradition of great brush-and-ink artists such as Craig Thompson and Will Eisner, Breaker’s End is now finished. The next step for the book is to print a short first edition run of 500-1000 copies. This is where Kickstarter comes in.

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After debuting Breaker’s End at the 2013 Latitude festival, this Kickstarter project is going to be the first publicly-available release of the book.

The book is available to pre-order NOW and will be until August 21st 2013. The £10 cost for your copy will cover printing the book as an attractive paperback as well as postage to send the book out to backers. We’re looking for a total of £5000 minimum to get this off the ground.

Read the first chapter of Breaker’s End

Read the Cape-Award Winning short story But I Can’t



“I’m Corban Wilkin and I want to publish a graphic novel as a great-looking book. Something you can sit down with and enjoy at your own leisure. A book that will look great in your collection, and that you’ll enjoy for years to come. This book is Breaker’s End.

“I drew the first draft of Breaker’s End way back in January 2011. That first draft was rough and illegible and the story was a mess, but it was there. After a lot of editing, I spent the majority of 2012 going through the long process of drawing the book in multiple drafts and finally bringing it to completion as 200 pages of black and white comics artwork.

“And now I’m dying to share it with you.

“As I’ve mentioned, the book is complete, and the only challenge now is to get it printed. If the basic goal of £5000 is met, then we’ll be able to send the book to print, and after approval of a final proof copy, we’ll get these babies rolling off the presses in no time.”

the author

Corban Wilkin is a cartoonist and illustrator, originally from Colchester. He studied illustration at Middlesex University. This blog follows his progress as he works on comics and illustration, including sketches and work-in-progress, as well as finished art. He spends most of his time creating graphic novels, and is currently working on a full length book; Breaker’s End. His comics are mostly fiction, and his goal is to create involved narratives at the same level as great prose novels. His range of illustration work includes pieces for books, magazines, and video games. He usually works in black and white, using brush and ink.