Kickstarter Cooperstand® Link-able Multiple Instrument Stand Kickstarter

Cooperstand’s “Pro-Multi  A light weight, collapsible, professional quality Multiple Instrument Stand for musical instruments fabricated from steel reinforced, injection molded, recycled ABS composite. multiopenclosed greytone

– What Makes the Pro-Mult Special…?

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Pro-Multi‘s unique link-able snap together feature allows numerous instruments to be securely setup in a row, then quickly packed away in a very compact space.
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– The Inspiration and Evolution…!!

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Pro-G was the original inspiration for the company, based on the need for a guitar stand that would fit inside the case of the instrument it supported. (Read more)

Pro-G  is been branded for Taylor,  Breedlove, and Bedell Guitars, and led to the Pro-Mini for smaller instruments, soon followed by the Duro-Pro line of composite stands include our extremely popular Recycled ABS Ecco-G stand.
Cooperstand Family

Cooperstand® quickly becoming a standard in the music accessory products market.

– Pro-Multi is the Roadie’s Dream…!!

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Pro-Multi measures 2″ x 4″ x 1 1/2″ and weighs approximately 1 1/2 pounds when closed. It will fit in the back of many guitar amplifiers and anvil type guitar cases.

12 Pro-Multi stands (support 24 instruments) will fit in a small gym bag and weigh about the same as an electric guitar in a hard case!

– Product Marketability…!!

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Pro-Multi has huge potential in the accessory market. Durability and compact linking capabilities make it a perfect fit for the hobby or touring musician, performers who play more than one instrument, bands, musical instrument stores, trade shows, event production companies, and on stage venues of all types.

– Product Design, Integrity and Protection…!!

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Pro-Multi is protected under the same patent pending design as our existing Pro-Tandem stand made from renewable African Sapele hardwood. Pro-Tandem has quickly become a popular product world wide.

Pro-Multi stand will be the most compact, easiest to transport multiple instrument stand available and one of the most secure stands on today’s market.

Cooperstand’s long term goal as a company is to continue introducing functionally innovative new products and ideas of the highest quality to the musical accessories market place for our fellow musicians who benefit most from our contribution.

Pro-Multi will be our biggest initial investment to date but will provide the broadest benefits to the market. In the beginning the costs of an injection molded product of this type could easily exceed $50.000.

Kickstarter success will help us reach our immediate goal of having the Pro-Multi ready to introduce at the 2014 Winter NAMM Show in Anaheim California.

Your feedback is welcomed and greatly appreciated!

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Patents and Trademarks are the property of Coopercopia LLC All rights reserved

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