On February 25th, 2017, author Michelle E. Lowe launched her very first Kickstarter campaign in order to raise funding to convert her novel, Legacy, into an audiobook. Lowe has created a rollicking adventure, set in Victorian England that is a combination of Steampunk and Fantasy with a cast of characters including thieves, sadists, vampires, an ancient trickster, and an evil peer of the realm. Legacy is the first of its kind with a mesh of action, adventure, fantasy all set during the rise of the Industrial Revolution.

Why an audiobook? In today’s world, people have little or no time to actually sit down and read a book, but that doesn’t mean they don’t still enjoy escaping into one. Audiobooks are wonderful ways to share stories to a great deal of people no matter what they’re doing.


A thief, a lover, and a toymaker; drawn together by fate, unlikely champions against a powerful and remorseless enemy. When not fighting each other, they must defeat the powerful Lord Norwich, and end his plan to unleash global violence and crown himself emperor of the world. No problem.

But behind the scenes, the Trickster god is manipulating men like puppets, changing history to his own ends and for his own amusement. As an ancient plan is set into motion, the trio are faced with events they do not understand and may not survive.

All proceeds raised for this project will go towards paying a producer to transformed Legacy into a living story through recorded words. As gratitude, all supporters will receive some sort of swag! If the goal of $2,000 is not met, all funding is returned to backers.

Michelle Lowe has been writing for the better part of twenty years. Her works include, The Warning, Cherished Thief, Children’s books, Poe’s Haunted House Tour, and The Hex Hunt series. One in which, Atlantic Pyramid, earned a spot on the Best Books of 2014 list.

Contact Information:

Michelle E. Lowe
Phone: (949) 899-3882
Website: www.michellelowe.net