The Outstanding Jack Rabbit is a comic book that follows the life of Jacky Harper after a traumatic bus accident that takes the lives of all but her. Miraculously surviving she finds it difficult to adapt back to normal life, especially when she starts changing into a literal bunnygirl. Now any time there is peril nearby, she must use her new gifts to solve the problem or else she won’t be able to return to normal.

It is a story about adventure, madness, comedy, action, and the stuff of life in a manner similar to most cape comics. The $9000 of needed campaign funds will devoted to paying the crew members and finishing the entirety of the book, the printing process, and everything needed to get the book out to backers and others. With different tiered rewards from digital copies, physical prints, posters, and variant covers, backers have more than enough reason to support this unique and independent work.

More stretch goals will be added for every thousand dollars over the initial goal and all extra proceeds will go future comics. The creator is dedicated to building a community around his works and actively engages with backers and fans alike. The Outstanding Jack Rabbit is designed to be the first of a twelve issue story arc with other connected stories potentially on the way as well.

This is just the start of young Miss Harper’s tale and as an Ex Dynamis Chaos story it only promises to get crazier from there. There will be influence from mythologies from around the world, alien species, angels and demons, things not even from within this universe, no one will want to miss out on funding this venture.

“Universi est ex dynamis chaos, cum a silex amentiae.”