Jimmy Mak, Head Playwright for Shadowbox Live, turns to Kickstarter to help publish his book: Daddies Shouldn’t Breakdance. With only 30 days to fund the book, the campaign tested both the writer’s nerves and the viability of grassroots funding for new literature in Columbus. It turns out that grassroots funding is alive and well in Columbus; Mak hit his initial fundraising goal in just one day.

Columbus, OH — April 7th, 2016 | Local writer Jimmy Mak is turning to the Internet to raise funds for his newest project, Daddies Shouldn’t Breakdance, a book of short stories and poems about comedy, being a Dad, and his life in Columbus. While publishing independent literature has only become easier with new online platforms that allow for simultaneous print-on-demand and e-book campaigns, it can still be a pricey endeavour. Editing, graphic design and layout, cover design, licensing fees and publishing fees are a barrier for even the most savvy Do-It-Yourself writers. Authors have to sidestep a challenging economy and find innovative means to fundraise, and Kickstarter has become a staple for helping them self-publish original books that more traditional publishers might not be willing to take the risk to finance.

In line with Kickstarter.com guidelines, creators have a set number of days to raise all of the funds, or their project receives nothing. Mak’s book has a 30-day window, from April 4th to May 4th, to raise at least $3,624. With the help of a lot of buzz on social media, Mak hit his initial goal in just one day and is continuing to raise funds to improve the book by adding original photography and other artistic elements.

This is Mak’s second Kickstarter campaign. In 2013, he raised a total of $18,522 on Kickstarter to write and produce his original musical Underland. When asked about why he was returning to Kickstarter to publish his book, Mak confessed, “Seeing the amazing community support Underland received on Kickstarter gave me the courage to finish my book and put it on the line. I wouldn’t be trying to publish at all without Kickstarter.”

Daddies Shouldn’t Breakdance comprises stories and poems that Mak has written over the past 19 years. It’s a blend of comedy and sentiment, the personal and the universal. “My hope is that there will be a little bit of something for everybody, for any given day or mood”, Mak said.

The book will be self-published and edited through Amazon’s professional Createspace platform, in both paperback and e-book formats. Mak expects to have the book available to the public and his supporters before the end of the year. To learn more about Daddies Shouldn’t Breakdance, readers can visit the project’s campaign page here:

About Jimmy Mak

Jimmy Mak is an award-winning, native Columbus playwright and comedian. His written work includes six original musicals and hundreds of comedy sketches performed by Shadowbox Live, the largest resident theatre company in America.

Contact Information:

Jimmy Mak
Shadowbox Live
(614) 416.7625