College: the Game, a fast-paced, action-packed, indie video game about College! Pick your major, grab your weapon, and fight your way towards your diploma!
College: the Game is an attempt to take the life of an average college student and transform it into something wonderful! Something better than actual college, something worth paying tuition for! The premise of College: the Game is to get your diploma… Think it sounds easy? Think again! In order to get your diploma you must first master all aspects of your major. And before you can even think about tackling your major, you need well-rounded, general-ed filled knowledge. And how do you obtain such knowledge? It’s simple really: prove your dominance in a battle to the death!

Hello, my name is Grady Goff! I’m a 19 year-old indie game developer and a poor college student! I have been working on College: the Game for several months now and am so excited to announce its very own Kickstarter. The Kickstarter can be found here:

Here’s an excerpt from the Kickstarter:

Here’s an example: in a regular college, an Art major might stroll lazily to his 8:00 am English class and take notes on some boring book about a giant white whale named Moby Dick. Dull. Nobody wants to play that and few people want to live it. But “College: the Game” takes a scenario like this and blows it into a new level of metaphorical awesomeness. In “College: the Game”, the Art major is presented his weapon of choice: a massive paintbrush. He then proceeds to beat the living daylights out of that whale in a battle to the death! From now on that Art major uses Moby Dick’s blood as his paint.
“College: the Game” currently has many majors to choose from, each with its own weapon and items. This offers an abundance of re-playability as no two games will look alike. Want to be a Kinesiology major who battles a class in History? Go for it! Fighting through different classes gives you different abilities specific to that subject. The knowledge you learn from that History class will be added into your personal arsenal of intellectual destruction!

As you can see, College: the Game is a completely unique experience and a satire on college itself! I am currently working independently on College: the Game, and although the process of raising funds has been stressful, it’s also been a great learning experience (who needs an econ class?!) .

College: the Game will be released for Windows, Mac, and Linux and is due for late 2014.

College: the Game trailer

Thank you all for your support and your interest!

Grady Goff

I would love to respond to the community regarding any questions or comments you may have!
Check out my website:
My Twitter: @AFonteGames
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