Shel Silverstein poems for the iGeneration: Two Arizona parents wrote a positive, uplifting children’s poetry book updated for modern times and modern kids.

Gilbert, AZ — If you’re a parent, you probably remember those first few sleepless nights (weeks? months?) right after the birth of your child. For David Schulzinger, it was during those sleepless nights that inspiration took hold, and he found himself jotting down little poems in the middle of the night to read to his newborn son, in an effort to calm and relax him. Two years later, this small notebook of handwritten poems, just like his son, has grown and grown. It actually is a collection of several hundred poems. To breathe additional life into them, he partnered with an incredibly talented professional artist to create his first poetry book “Have You Seen My Pet Dragon?” available now on Kickstarter.

In the beginning stages, David and Martha Schulzinger just wanted to create something to help them chuckle through the sleepless nights of new parenthood. But as years went by, they realized that they had created something they wanted to share with other parents and children. “We started out just wanting to make each other chuckle through what was a pretty dark time, but we found that we could memorize some of the shorter poems, and they became a bedtime routine — little lullabies for our son” said David Schulzinger of his project. The more they wrote, the more they learned of the positive effects of reading on their developing child’s brain. According to the National Education Association and the Educational Testing Services that children who read a variety of materials at home are more proficient in reading. (source: This cemented their desire to bring this project to print.

“Have You Seen My Pet Dragon?” as of this writing is currently funded at 51% of their goal on Kickstarter, with another 19 days to go. Please visit their project at: in order to learn more and reserve your copy today!

David and Martha Schulzinger are the writers and creators of “Have You Seen My Pet Dragon?” They live just outside Phoenix, Arizona. Professionally, David is in insurance and Martha is in marketing. They also own a small marketing firm to help promote small businesses and charities they support. They have two Siberian Huskies who do not realize that they live in the desert.

Contact Information:

David Schulzinger