Toronto — Civilized Productions is proud to announce the launch of a new comic book series called Lest We Forget. According to Graeme Boyce, owner of Civilized Productions, there is a Kickstarter campaign underway to assist in raising the upfront capital required to hire the artists and publish the first issue. As a brand of entertainment that focusses on the actions of people under fire, it is hoped the series will be expanded into a graphic novel, a television series and feature films.

“Last year, we produced and released the choral album Sacrifice and Solace,” says Boyce, “and we expect the ensemble to perform at ceremonies in Europe during this Centenary period. Based on the feedback we have received, we are also planning to coordinate tours of the battlefields along the Western Front for people keenly interested in this turbulent period of history.”

In a span of four years, from 1914 to 1918, over 17 million people died, over 20 million were wounded, and countless millions left homeless during and after the conflict. It was a struggle between nations on an epic level, where soldiers fought in horrific conditions and faced every death imaginable, from not only the enemy but also insects and infections.

During the war, called The Great War and “the war to end all war”, weapons evolved rapidly and killing efficiently spread along all fronts, and included the introduction of poison gas, fighter airplanes and tanks, not to mention incredibly huge artillery guns. It was, sadly, also a period where there were no antibiotics nor antiviral medicines available, and blood transfusions were developed as the war progressed, as well as artificial limbs and plastic surgery, given the savagery of the maiming.

One hundred years later, we cannot forget their sacrifices – and efforts such as the aforementioned album, comic series and filmed entertainment will remind future generations of the cost that was paid by their ancestors. They shall be remembered.

For more information on the Kickstarter campaign, please visit