Now introducing City Gardens USA – an initiative to grow100% organic produce at costs everyone can afford while creating jobs for all! Based in Weston, Florida, City Gardens USA is the brainchild of CEO and founder Michael Tinsley. City Gardens USA represents the best solution to solve many of the serious problems we are facing today and those that are coming in the very near future.

At current population growth rates, we will quite literally run out of usable cropland and fresh water for irrigation much less drinking. Future wars may be fought not over politics, but basic food and water. If this happens, no one alive will be exempt from the effects; not us now, nor our children and grand children.

In avoidance, we must start now by addressing one primary source of this problem- Outdoor Farming. For centuries we have conquered and cultivated the land and all it resources with great impunity, but now these practices are unsustainable. And with 3 billion more people expected in the next 35 years, we must get smarter, think and do things differently. We must begin to change our long held practices and paradigms about how and where we get our food.

There is a very simple and necessary solution that will solve many of these problems. The City Gardens USA solution creates sustainable industry and jobs. We can revitalize our local economies boosting the overall national economy. Our IVF solution offers new life and hope to our inner cities and urban centers.

IVF or Indoor Vertical Farming is not new. In the past, ideas and manifestations of IVF have ranged from the insignificant to the utopian extreme. However, the problem of getting real traction in the mainstream has been much like trying to eat an Elephant in one bite. Until now, no one has developed a plan with mainstream acceptance and appeal. We need to think big- in small pieces.

The Next Giant Leap!

In July 1969, Neil Armstrong first stepped on the moon saying “one small step for Man; one giant leap for Mankind.” We had accomplished what many thought was impossible. The impossible dream became real because the entire country rallied around the common goal. Today, I am proud to welcome you to the next giant leap for mankind. City Gardens USA is the indoor answer!

Location, Location, Location!

Growing crops way “out there” and getting them to market way “in here” is expensive. Our “Locally grown; locally sold” philosophy removes the logistical high costs of food transportation and the air pollution that comes with it. This lowers costs for production dramatically and creates sustainability across the board while greatly reducing farming’s ecological footprint.

The Domino Effect…

Simply by changing from a paradigm and practice of outdoor farming, where we can’t control anything; especially the weather, to the protection, safety and complete control of indoor growing, where the weather is always perfect, we can produce 100% certified organic produce for 30-50% less cost, using 80-90% less water, and far less energy.

We have all the space we need inside the existing buildings of our cities and urban centers! Repurposing these inactive buildings for indoor growing allows urban revitalization to become an achievable reality and simulates more new business growth. This in turn will revive local economies and eventually our national economy will improve. This is a goal we should all rally around.

Green Technology To The Rescue!

Using the best of soilless Hydroponic and Aeroponic systems, LED lighting, and green energy technologies like solar, wind, and innovative water reclamation, we can produce year round crop yields that are 10 to 20 times greater per acre than farmland.

Indoors is cleaner too and there are no bugs or vermin to contend with. By removing outdoor stresses, there is no need for herbicides, pesticides or fertilizers. Toxic Agricultural runoff ends allowing local fisheries to recover as well.

Helping Yourself And Giving Back.

The cumulative effects of this vital and beneficial paradigm shift opens the doors to better living overall and better stewardship of our natural resources.

It is a massive undertaking, but working together, little by little, we can do this! We must do this… The alternative is grim. We ask you to help us with this great goal by investing in a better future with your generous tax deductible donation today.

Profitable and Charitable.

City Gardens USA is a newly formed 501(3) C nonprofit (filed 10 months ago and still waiting!) However, “nonprofit” does not mean “no profit”. It is simply a tax status meaning we can’t show profit on the books. That’s where we will truly be different. The City Gardens USA solution is needed everywhere as soon as possible. So the majority of surplus will be reinvested into our aggressive expansion strategy.

A heavy percentage will also be reinvested in local and national charities, schools & colleges, hospitals, and most importantly our people.

Non-exportable Jobs In An Industry That Can’t Become Obsolete!

Tired of seeing our jobs outsourced? Sick of hearing about products and industries that have fallen to obsolescence? We are too.

City Gardens USA intends to:

Create 100 Full time, full benefit, equal paying jobs with each new installation.
Provide Employees a weekly amount of fresh produce.
Facilitate Urban renewal.
Drive crime down and build families up.
Offer free life management and self improvement classes after hours.
Apply a policy of upward mobility.
Provide encouragement and training for positions throughout our organization including opportunities for franchise ownership.
Create an employment culture of loyalty and strong desire to make the business grow successfully.

Based on the desperate need for jobs across this country 10 to 20 installations in each city in every state would be most welcome. Yes- that’s 1000 to 2000 real jobs in every city we come to. Please take a moment to share our campaign with friends and family to help us reach our goal. Thank you!