Michael Blaney always been a giver, last five years tested his strength after surviving a fatal suicide attempt, then like train off is tracks,was robbed 4 times, idenity theft/credit card scammed 2,000 times, email, internet, phone, bank, credit, all accounts majorally tampered with. Only to succumb to police brutality, and two fatal car accidents and in of 5 years. But, the singer, songwriter, author, screenwriter, producer and blogger, started putting all the negative things that were surrounding him and funnel them into is creative side. And it never stopped him from having faith or helping others.

Then came his most brilliant idea, to use all is talents to create a series of projects that would fit like a puzzle based on his experiences. Chronicles album/20 songs is two sides, one dealing with the dark days and the other dealing wit better days to come. “I know people are gonna love this album no matter who you are it really speaks to everyone on different levels. Very cathortic. And, full length Graphic Novel DEVIL IN THE HELLHOUNDS, is based on me to, its a must read. Everything and then some is at: www.kickstarter.com this is the project of my life.

the author

Michael Blaney full presskitL: http://www.powerpresskits.com/PPKs/indexC.aspx?PPK=15277