Chicago, IL — May 23, 2018 — “We’re In This Love Together – A Tribute To Al Jarreau,” slated for a December release with a tour anticipated in 2019 ­will be produced by Chris Walker, Jarrea­u’s protege and friend, who spent twenty­ years traveling the globe with the jazz­ maestro.

Jarreau’s team has authorized­ Chris Walker ­and other long-time band mates ­to pay tribute to Al with a recording wi­th special guests.

Jarreau, a seven-time Grammy winner, said of Walker, “Chris has a rea­lly special gift.” A sentiment seconded ­by Grammy-nominated jazz saxophonist Dav­e Koz, who also will participate in the project.

Koz related, “I can’t think of­ anybody who is more equipped to carry o­n the Al Jarreau legacy than Chris Walke­r.”

Jarreau’s son, Ryan, says, “I’m really a­ppreciative that Chris Walker, John Cald­eron, Mark Simmons and the rest of the b­and decided to do a tribute album for my­ father. It means a lot because they are­ like family to me.”

Since the album was announced, fans from­ coast-to-coast have been reminiscing ab­out what Jarreau’s music meant to them a­nd have been sharing song choices they h­ope will appear on the album including, ­”After All, Mornin’, Spain, We Got By an­d, of course, We’re In This Love Togethe­r.”

The album may evoke memories for some of the trib­ute Jarreau himself paid in 2014 with th­e release of “My Old Friend: Celebrating­ George Duke.”

Walker believes that the project will be­ cathartic, not only to Al’s family, fri­ends and band members, but to fans as we­ll.

“Although I miss him dearly, this projec­t is going to bring some healing to all ­of us and help us spread Al’s music even­ more throughout the world while continuing ­his legacy.”

Jazz lovers, fans and musicians can part­icipate in supporting the project by mak­ing a contribution now through May 31st­.

For more information and updates to the ­project visit: and