Chocolate is Not Better than Sex, Independent Filmmakers, Aleisha Gore, Rebecca Whitman-Boldi, and Kimberly Estrada are making more than just another romantic comedy, chick-flick; they are peddling the highly desirable need that love conquers all, though love is a battlefield.  And the battlefield they will create in their hilarious rom-com is fraught with terrible setups, blind-dates-from-hell, a sexy, naughty but nice, and incredibly tempting cougar romance between the new office intern and the beautiful but conservative and reserved leading lady, who professes to be fifteen (ah-hem) I mean more than ten years older than her 19 year-old co-worker.

These fabulous feisty femme filmmakers have more than chocolate and sex on their minds, they are on a worldwide scavenger hunt over social media like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, for the actors and musicians that will make this movie stand out in an ever-changing, ever-evolving brave new digital film world.  You might even call it a mission.  This is director (also one of the producers) Aleisha Gore’s first feature film and Rebecca Boldi’s first time producing.  They intend on also making this a launchpad for some new but talented and under-recognized actors and musicians, just as Kevin Smith’s Chasing Amy did for Ben Affleck, Jason Lee, Matt Damon, Ethan Suplee, and Joey Lauren Adams, among others.  Granted, it wasn’t the first film for many of them, but that one stepping stone turned into a catapult which certainly made waves and guaranteed their cast, crew and filmmakers futures in the business.

It is a high purpose, a promise these women intend to deliver on, “a beautiful, classy, hilarious film which both women and men fall in love with,” and at the same time a movie which will be made for a modest budget with the help of the world wide web.  Yes, not only are they hunting for their stars on YouTube but they are crowdfunding the film on Kickstarter. The producers have all made big financial sacrifices, especially Aleisha Gore, who’s living and breathing the film and putting every last dollar she can earn into it, while they, as her husband jokingly says, “go without food and toilet paper.” But not to worry, she’s selling her shoes on Ebay, so they will be able to eat today.

In July, the filmmakers held a delightful live red carpet party fundraiser, right on the famous Sunset Strip. Repleat with celebrity DJ Azmyth Kaminski, and the best Indie music around from Granicy Square, Katie Cole, Whitaker & Me, and Gold/Platinum songwriter Kevin Fisher, as well as internationally renowned award-winning swing dance team Dax and Sarah.

It was a chocolatey night where party-goers got a chance to listen to music, bid in a silent auction, watch the dance performance, meet the actors and producers and eat as many chocolate truffles as they could. The Chef and Chocolatier Jared Richardson seemed to have a clone as he was everywhere offering his delectable sinful wares to the guests at every turn.

This is a no-holds barred film making team that intends to go all the way, not just to first or second base. So far their cast includes Emmy-nominated, Lee Purcell, British dance chart topper and army veteran, Carmen Perez, as well as LA Comedy Award Winner Rebecca Whitman-Boldi.  Rumored to also be a part is Louis Mandylor from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. They will shoot their film in December and no one and nothing seems to phase them.  This team seems to have the right stuff.  When you meet them, you just know, you want to join them.

To find out more about their film and become a backer on Kickstarter go to: