The internet is a wonderful thing! With little more effort than it takes to barely prop your massive bulk off of your couch, you can connect with friends and family thousands of miles away, virtually tour the planet with Google Earth, and learn what the fox says (hint: “Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!”). Sure, there’s also 2girls1cup, tubgirl, and….ok, I suppose the internet can be pretty terrible as well. Hmmm, this isn’t helping my main point. Let’s start again:

The internet is a wonderful thing! This globalized network of tubes (that’s how the internet works, right?) has connected people far and wide and has broken down barriers of entry into a lot of markets, barriers which once would have prevented average Joes like you and me from being able to create our own businesses. In short, it has created an environment in which small businesses can flourish. But this also means that for every interesting outfit that carves out a niche for itself, there are a hundred other projects that attempt to follow suit and dilute the quality of the product. This is particularly evident when you get to the world of T-shirts.

The internet has fostered the proliferation of online t-shirt companies, and they’re mostly in the same vein: sarcastic humor, plays on memes. Admit it, after a while it’s all the same. And besides, just how many snarky references do you need? Have you ever stopped and wondered, “but where’s the cuteness? Where’s the kawaii?”. No, you haven’t? Well’s I’m just going to take a second here and pretend you did ask that question (play along): “SJ, there are a lot of t-shirt companies out there, but they’re all the same. Where’s the kawaii?

I am glad you asked, fellow internet denizen! May I present to you We’re not going to change the world. Our designs are not groundbreaking or innovative. We’re not making any great cultural or political insights. I’m going to be honest here: we’re not setting a very high bar for ourselves. is dedicated to making kawaii designs; nothing more, nothing less. Our barometer on whether or not to publish a design is whether we would personally wear the shirt ourselves.

Here’s what motivate us:

* Making fun designs that we would be proud to wear and share with our friends.
* Creating the best customer service experience our limited budget can provide
* Just getting out there and having fun

Thanks for taking a minute to put up with my spiel. If you’ve gotten this far, and your interest has been piqued, please check out our website and consider donating to our Kickstarter campaign.   Our monetary goals are modest, and even $1 will help.   Even if you’re not moved to donate,  please  visit our FaceBook page or follow us on  Twitter.

Our flagship design, “Best Friends 4 Ever” featuring Cthulu, Jesus, and Mohammed romping through a rainbow and wildflower-laden fantasy land, is is the most positively rated.  Other designs include a humorous interpretation of famous Cthulu chant, an ode to the Hindu god Shiva, and a nod at the pirates/ninjas/zombies fad.

Designs in the pipeline include more homages to mythological figures, references to popular memes and internet culture, and some general chibi designs.