CELESTiAL TiTANiUM has just launched their Kickstarter Music Project Featuring the Neo-Classical-Rock Anthem “Save the Children”.

Their $50,000.00 goal, which they are hoping to exceed by orders of magnitude, is to be applied to creating their first album “CELESTiAL TiTANiUM” also intended to be a double-album for Vinyl, FLAC high-resolution digital, and CD/MP3 formats.

Like just about every other Kickstarter Music Project, they are aiming to shatter the record set by Amanda Palmer, and exceed her $1.3M, so that they may produce videos, and market globally in a world-class fashion.

The rewards offered in this Project are of the highest standards.

When asked why a Double-Album for the 1st album, Founding Member, Composer, Lyricist, Multi-Instrumentalist, and Producer Kieron McKindle states: “For a number of reasons. #1. It has never, at least not to my knowledge, been done before. #2. Being an ‘Overture’ to the rest of my body of work, which are all soundtracks to screenplays I have written, we needed the room to stretch out and present the longer, larger pieces; with a song like “No More War” covering the entirety of one side of a vinyl album with all of its musical chapters and modalities. And #3. To bypass the ‘Curse of the Sophomore Album.’ By releasing the first two albums in one, we simply leap-frog all that silliness. Obviously, there is a challenge here, but it is a fun challenge.”

Who is this for? Fans of Super-Groups like Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Jeff Beck, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Neil Young, The Beatles, 60s San Francisco & Los Angeles bands too many to be listed here.

The Neo-Classical-Rock designation is intended to supersede ‘Classic Rock;’ as well as to indicate the influences of historic artists such as Beethoven, Rachmaninoff, Chopin, and other such Classical heavyweights.

The campaign will end on Friday, March 20th at 9pm PST.

If you’d like more information about this project, or to schedule an interview with Kieron McKindle, please call Christina Foster at 1-541-226-8982 or email Kieron at kieronmckindle@gmail.com


Kieron McKindle
Tel. 1-541-226 8982
Email: kieronmckindle@gmail.com