52 MAGICAL CITIES need your support!

We asked ourselves once why do most coloring books for adults look the same? Flowers, gardens, animals, mandalas… It is getting boring, isn’t it? Now…

Duval Antique: Adventure Comics and Awesome Travel Guides

Duval Antique: Adventure Comics and Awesome Travel Guides

Zwolle, Netherlands — On November 23 Inklace launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise funds for Duval Antique, a wonderful series of adventure comics and awesome…

Scientific Papers of the 19th and 20th Century Now Being Republished

As part of an ambitious Kickstarter campaign, Melbourne-based document preservation cooperative, The Scientific Publishing Company, are launching a range of fully-restored, hand-crafted reproductions of history’s…

A Magical Story of Wonderment – Return to Ivy & Innocence

Susan Reader, the renowned artist of Ivy & Innocence, announces her Kickstarter Crowdfunding campaign to publish her first illustrated storybook. A portion of event proceeds…

Love of Coloring Launches on Kickstarter

Love of Coloring Launches on Kickstarter

Julie Daigle Whitecotton and Claire Theriot Mestepey are the partners of www.loveofcoloring.com and despite their different reasons, they both are obsessed with coloring!  And judging from…

VERTOSCOPE Graphic Novel Anthology

VERTOSCOPE: The Anthology of VILLAINS For everyone who likes to explore the dark side, VERTOSCOPE is an all-new original comics anthology that specializes in beasts,…