Is Origins Science Biased?

Is Origins Science Biased?

Brisbane, Australia — Philip Andrews is throwing open the question that everyone is too scared to ask and is doing it through a crowdfunding campaign…

International Volunteer Pens Non-Fiction Adventure Now Funding On Kickstarter

Clinton, NJ — Today, author Paul Rando launches a Kickstarter campaign to fund the publishing and final research required for We Look Up: Trekking & Volunteering…

Venetian Carnival Tarot Kit – Mastering the Art of Divination

Venetian Carnival Tarot Kit – Mastering the Art of Divination

Adelaide, Australia — On December 15, 2016, Roxana Paul announced that she is planning to launch a Kickstarter campaign for The Venetian Carnival Tarot kit. Venetian…

New Graphic Novel YIFFING IN HELL: EPISODE I-SECRET REUNION IN CARFAX LODGE Stretches the Limits of Imagination

New Graphic Novel YIFFING IN HELL: EPISODE I-SECRET REUNION IN CARFAX LODGE Stretches the Limits of Imagination

Cuernavaca, Mexico — On November 30 2016, mexican artist Geladaa/Pablo Rincón launched a Kickstarter campaign for YIFFING IN HELL: EPISODE I-SECRET REUNION IN CARFAX LODGE;…

Indiegogo Campaign Funding Two Audiobooks by Famous Outdoor Writer Bill Stokes

Indiegogo Campaign Funding Two Audiobooks by Famous Outdoor Writer Bill Stokes

Madison, United States —  Paul Stokes recently launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise funds to produce two audiobooks of famous outdoor writer Bill Stokes’ work. These…

Preserving Childhood Memories in the Digital Age

Preserving Childhood Memories in the Digital Age

It is not a secret that social media use can cause addiction and anxiety in children and teens. Not only that, but it has become…