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We just launched on Kickstarter! Help spread the word to support the production of a live-action/puppet show featuring the hilarious seafaring misadventures of Cap’n Ahoe and his crew. It’s the most fun you can have in half an hour with your pants on!

First, a word from the Cap’n: “There be me first mate and constant companion, Salvatore Polly, me parrot. He’s a trusted soul who’s a little “artistic.” Then there be Pink Eye, so named because he refuses to be off to th’ doctor to get that festerin’ eye taken care of. He’s obnoxiously courageous an’ completely contagious! Then there’s Drippy, so named because, well, he drips. No matter what th’ climate, he’s always uncomfortably moist. Frankly, he gives me th’ willies. But he’s one heckuva navigator, and he’s th’ only one who can swab th’ deck without a mop. Then there’s Fetish – probably th’ best weapons expert I ever met. However, he has a problem. He likes…things. Women’s shoes, women’s painted fingernails, their stockings, their lipstick, their hair curlin’. Well, ye get what I mean. And finally, there be Amos, one o’ th’ most dedicated, stalwart and steadfast crew members a captain could ask for. That boy never leaves his post. He sits up in th’ crow’s nest, keepin’ a watchful eye. Through wind and storm, heat or freezin’ cold, the lad’s never complained once. Salvatore Polly insists it’s because he’s dead. I say they’re all just jealous. But a pirate doesn’t live by plunder alone. That’s where me little pookie-kins comes in – th’ love o’ me life, and th’ life o’ me love – Ariola, the mermaid. That little flower o’ th’ sea is what puts th’ wind in me sails. And if anyone does say a word against her, I’ll cleave ’em in half an’ feed their gizzards to th’ sharks! There be some bilge rats who try to cast dispersions on me love, sayin’ she’s got more mileage than a ’69 Volkswagon, but ’tis not true. She and her sister, Fellacia, are as pure as th’ driven snow. Why, even her cousin, Remedielle (who I can never quite understand) – well they’re all just sweet young things that make a man’s heart sing.”

Cap’n Ahoe is intended to be the first episode in a proposed weekly half-hour adult-themed puppet show with additional live actors, suited for an audience of late teens and older. Each show will consist of two eleven-minute episodes revolving around the raucous adventures of the good Cap’n and his crew. We intend to include guest victims regularly, as each week someone has to walk the plank. The project will employ state-of-the-art puppets with CGI enhancements to create a very animated feel to the series. Our goal is to revive the fun and spirit of the old Jay Ward cartoons, such as Rocky and Bullwinkle, Fractured Fairy Tales, Sherman and Peabody, etc. Of course we’re going to represent this through our puppet characters in a much more contemporary, grittier feel. This allows us to open the floodgates of humor and pillage our audience’s funny bones. We will have original songs and music, and will combine puppets and live actors to tell the stories and play off of one another.

The funds raised will go to produce the sets, puppets and special effects to create our pilot episode. This episode will serve as the model for the feel and visual style of the show. We intend to pursue either a network or cable outlet to air the show, and will be working with a distributor who has seen our concept and feels that a pilot will “lock in” our ability to raise additional funding for an entire series.

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