Hi. My name is Austin Saisi and i recently started a campaign on indiegogo to raise funds for my startup construction company. My company is called Aubarn Engineering & Architects Construction Company Limited and was incorporated in May 2015. I am a young civil engineering graduate and i am very passionate about construction that is why i started a company. I am also keen to create jobs for my fellow youths who desperately need it.

According to statistics, the annual demand of housing units in Kenya is approximately 100,000 units and rising but the supply is nearly 50,000. The rate of construction of new units has not matched the rate of increase in demand for a very long time.This has led to a sharp steady increase in house prices over the last 10 years. Simple housing units cost a fortune. I intend to use my company to increase the supply of housing units therefore reducing the price. In the long term my company will start constructing low cost housing units both for the middle class and low class who are usually left out. We will finance this with profits we make in our initial years (It will be company policy to set aside a certain percentage to finance low cost housing projects).

I have set a target of $100,000 to be raised most of which will go to the purchase of both light and heavy equipment required for construction such as tipper truck, mixer, poker vibrator, computers and CAD applications. This will help us start operations and provide quality services to clients who are eager to construct residential houses. I have seen some clients opt for cheaper tradesmen to construct houses and get poor services since some do not appreciate the use of machines. I also intend to assemble a competent team of an Site Engineer, Foreman,Quantity Surveyor and an Architect.

Visit my Indiegogo page here