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Set in the early 1960s, a period of in America’s history of great struggle and change, Jacob is desperate to escape the past that haunts him. It’s a film about revenge, but it’s also about how violence becomes an endless cycle too often used in the search for “peace.

I’ve been making films since I was about 8 years old, stealing my parents VHS camera and crafting stories with toys, friends, or whatever was available.

Now IndieGoGo is available, and that’s what I’m using. I want to tell this story, and I’m asking you to come on this journey with me. Be a part of something really great. I can’t do this alone, and the truth is- I don’t want to, films are made through collaboration and partnership, lots of people working toward one common goal, to tell a great story.

Why Raise Money?
This isn’t a huge 2 hour Hollywood production. This is an independent short film that’s going to be 15 minutes at the longest. We don’t need a ridiculous amount of money.

Period accuracy is a big part in telling a story that takes place in the past. Often something out of place will take the audience out of the story. A portion of the money will go to getting period accurate clothing and props, so it feels like the 1960s. This will be about $100.

Unfortunately, not every piece of gear is readily available. About $500 of the budget is going to go to renting tripods, monitors, dollies, cranes, grip, and a tent for the cast and crew to go under so they’re not constantly in the hot summer sun.

On top of all that, we need to shoot somewhere. For finding locations, and then feeding the cast and crew during production will be about $150.

That last $50 or so will go to submitting Numbers to festivals. Right now we’re eyeing Sundance, Slamdance and the Atlanta Film Festival. Others will undoubtedly come along as well.

But that’s the bare minimum of what we’re aiming to raise. For each additional dollar beyond the initial $800, we can rent higher quality gear, buy higher quality wardrobe and props, and eat higher quality (healthier) food while on set.

But what if we don’t achieve our goal? Well, that means we’ll need to make sacrifices. We’ve split up everything we would like to have on set into a need list and a want list. We’ll start by getting rid of things on the want list and work our way into whatever budget we end up with.

Why Numbers?
A story about revenge and redemption, about facing your past and building your future can resonate with anyone. We’d love it to be a conversation starter, we’d love to have people ask anyone who worked on it about it, about our thoughts on the film, and to give us their thoughts on it too. We’re also happy if someone simply likes it.

Maybe this story will bring healing to those who haven’t faced their past. Maybe it’ll make the think about their actions and how they affect others. We’re excited to find out.

Other Ways You Can Help
We understand that you may not be financially able to contribute to the film. We’d love it if you tried, but we’d love to have your support in other ways, too.

Tell your parents, tell your friends, tweet, email, facebook, and anything else that’s out there that we can get attention and partners in funding.

Or, you can find out how to donate your time to the production, by feeding the cast and crew or looking for ways to assist in the production, or by being an extra.