Your Lore, a custom storytelling company that produces unique stories featuring readers, their loved ones and specific themes of their choosing, has launched a 35-day Kickstarter to fund a custom-built website. With a $25,000 goal, Your Lore’s Founder and CEO, Kelsey Gentry, is working with a local Fredericksburg marketing company called the Childress Agency in order to make it happen.

“I knew I wanted a website that would have the capability to provide portals for readers to return to work they’ve read through Your Lore and to easily customize their stories,” says Gentry. “In order to provide that service, I need funds in order to pay for the quote, which is why I turned to Kickstarter.”

A fiction lover and writer of over a decade, Gentry began plans for Your Lore in June of last year.

“Customers will be able to submit information about themselves and their loved ones, choose specific genres and themes, pick a rating for their work, and more. We’ll have scenes, short stories, and novellas available as well as a monthly subscription service that will send you chapters by email. All of this will be housed on the Your Lore website in your customer portal.”

Your Lore is not just a way to change how people read immersive literature. Gentry plans on bringing together a network of talented writers to write these stories as Your Lore grows.

“I’ve worked in marketing for years as a way to pay the bills, but my passion has always been writing. It is extremely hard for fiction writers to find freelance work that fulfills their passion, which is why Your Lore is so important. Writers will be hired to create engaging, complex stories in multiple genres. They will be paid authors without the need for a publishing contract or book deal.”

The Your Lore Kickstarter currently has less than a month left in its run in order to meet its goal.

“I am quite hopeful we’ll be able to reach our $25,000 goal,” says Gentry. “Once the website is built, Your Lore’s launch will certainly be one for the record books.”