Monee, IL — (SBWIRE) — 04/02/2014 — Stephanie Jordan has been in the music and entertainment industry of and on for 15+ years. This present project aims to bring back real quality R&B music, and musicianship. Stephanie has 3 R&B CD’s to complete, to get out to the masses. The objective is to bring it back to the old school, when music had substance.

Each CD will have a total of 8 tracks or more. Artist names are currently unavailable, due to the fact that they are popular artist from the 90’s, and Stephanie doesn’t want to let the cat out of the bag yet, as to who they are.

Radio is in a poor state right now. This project will bring Urban R&B back to what is was, when there were the likes of Anita Baker.

The funding budget for this project has been fixed at $25,000. Funds raised via FundAnything will be used for CDs, and to mix and master the music.

Project Page:

the author

15+ in The Music Industry, trying to make a difference and 'Bring Back Real R&B' and musicianship back to the forefront.