We play games to experience adventures that aren’t possible in our real lives. But what if someone could bring that adventure to you?

Alice & Smith want to do just that. As a company, their goal is to make our lives more exciting. Through their Alternate Reality Game (ARG) The Black Watchmen, Alice & Smith create a virtual world that blurs the line between a game and real life. Based on the level of immersion you request; they may call you in the middle of the night with clues to a mystery, or leave a package at a predetermined location with vital information, or even abduct you right off the street. The game is all around you, and you won’t always win.

The goal of this Campaign is to bring Alice & Smith to the Midwest to host a Multi-Day Real World Mission in The Black Watchmen Universe. For less than $200, you can be part of a small group of Agents participating in a real world mission created just for us. It’s hard to fly anywhere for less than that anymore, and we can bring it here.

And the game doesn’t end with the mission. The mission if just one part of a greater conspiracy that will shape the future of The Black Watchmen ARG, and you can be a part of it. Don’t know what an Alternate Reality Game is? Don’t worry, a few years ago I didn’t either. An ARG immerses you in a virtual world where your wits and skills in the real world are just as important as those in the game. Learn all about the experience from Alice & Smith as well as from those that have experienced their work.

Full disclosure, I am not affiliated with Alice & Smith beyond working with them to create this experience. I am a fan who wishes to bring something exciting to the Midwest, as well as see the Black Watchmen succeed!

We need you, to help make the world more exciting!

Project Page: www.indiegogo.com
Website: www.TBWMidwest.com