Brelby Theatre Company is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non‐profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Brelby Theatre Company must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only and are tax‐deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Brelby Theatre Company Nurtures New Works/Artists

Brelby Theatre may be a relative newcomer to the Phoenix metro’s West Valley, but we have established ourselves as a vital member of the theatre community and an incubator for new works. Since moving into our new studio in the heart of downtown Glendale, Brelby has produced two world premiere musicals, six world premiere plays as part of our “Studio Series” and an original holiday show written by Brian and Shelby Maticic, founders of Brelby, and Luke Gomez. We are also making a name for ourselves cultivating the future of art in Arizona by providing high quality classes and workshops for all ages in a wide range of theatre disciplines. Brelby is ready and poised to take the next step as we grow, increasing production value, reaching a wider audience, providing more opportunities for working artists, and expanding our classes, but we need your help to improve the vitality of the arts in the west valley!

What we need and what you get

We need to raise $10,000 this spring to fund our spring and summer productions and classes. We hope to raise $5,000 of that from our IndieGoGo supporters, but of course more would be very helpful and appreciated.

Your donation will help further our mission of encouraging playwrights, composers, and collaborative artists to bring new works to life. Beyond new works,your donation helps provide education and training for children, teens and adults in performance, playwrighting, improv, and technical theatre and design.

To show our appreciation of your generosity, we will be offering some lovely, splendid, and amazing perks including: the warm fuzzy feeling of supporting the arts and small business, a wink and a smile, hugs, Brelby swag, free tickets, program mentions and much more!

The Impact

More than just an opportunity to perform, artists need a place to grow. Actors need experiences that push them to be better, Directors need a chance to develop their skills, and new playwrights need someone willing to take a chance on them in order to get their debut production. Brelby is a place where all that happens, and the West Valley- even the entire Phoenix metro area- needs a place where the performing arts can not just exist, but be nurtured.

Help us to keep this unique company on track to develop and showcase new works, while offering quality performances of the classics and contemporary theatre.

Other Ways you can help:

No amount is too small (or too big!), but we understand that making a donation is not possible for everyone. You can still be a huge help to us by simply spreading the word about our campaign and sharing our video on Facebook and Twitter. You can use the IndieGoGo share tools to make this easier. And check out our website to learn more about our company, members, workshops and productions: You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Thanks!

You can contribute to our Indiegogo campaign by visiting this link.

Thank you for your support!