Now introducing Brad Lee Schroeder’s Keep Singing a Song campaign. I’m excited to show you why you’re here! Some of you know who I am, but for those who don’t, I’ll give you a little background and why I’m asking for your help.

I’m Brad Lee Schroeder. Country music artist and songwriter. I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember, but over the past few years, God has blessed me by turning that dream into a reality. I’ve had a song rocket into the top 40s on the Country Music Radio charts, became an Independent Music Award Nominee for best new country song, a People’s Voice Award nominee for best new country music artist, had a Guest appearance on a network television Fishing show, front page newspaper article, gained new fans and friends all over the world, and much more…

Over the past six months things have really started to take off. Mostly because of my decision to add a little more spiritual and faith based messages to my music. Country music with a gospel kick! My 2014 tour is set up and I have already confirmed over 60 performances across the nation, and that will increase to over 100 shows by the end of this year. The fact that some of these shows are in your typical Honky Tonks and bars across the country is extremely exciting because I can share God’s message in places that rarely hear it, and in my opinion, need it the most.

I’m also going to record a few new songs this spring and release one of them to Country and Christian radio. I found a beautiful song called “If It Was Me”. A Country ballad with a Christian message about God’s unending forgiveness. Watch the video of this great song under the ‘Gallery’ tab above.

But in order to make this all work, I need your help. With your contributions, I have the opportunity to make music a success, and better yet, keep it successful for years to come. The Television show that I mentioned in the video is another great avenue to help spread my new music and God’s message. Even better news is that I don’t have to fund the show myself. The funding that I’m asking for on this Indiegogo site is strictly for my music career. The TV show is already taken care of.

It’s not your typical ridiculous reality show like the Housewives of Beverly Hills or the Kardashians. I would have refused the show if it was like that. It’s more of a documentary style show about how I juggle a music career while supporting my wife and two young kids. Along with my music, my wife and I both work full time jobs and are attending on online school program at Colorado State University to finish up our Bachelor’s Degrees, plus trying to raise two young kids at the same time. Needless to say, It’s a struggle to keep everything going! The great news is that this TV show is also going to showcase my decision to add a little Christian & gospel style music as I perform and share God’s message in the bars across the country. You have to agree that this is an extremely exciting opportunity!

With my new path in music, I’m blessed to have most of the same team that I used four years ago who are willing to support my decision, plus I’ve found a few new members too. These people have proven over and over again that they are not only legitimate and talented professionals that I have grown to respect, but they have become good friends who respect me for my decision to sing a little gospel and faith based music. Because of this, they are willing to lower their costs a little in order to help me succeed.

My team cut down a tremendous amount of costs already, but as some of you know, the music business isn’t cheap. This is where you come in. I’m asking for $45,000 to make this opportunity come together.

Where the money will be going:

· $7,000: Record two songs in Nashville with producer Steffon Hamulak of Sea The Desert Entertainment.

· $5000: Radio Promotion for one of those songs to medium and small market radio stations across the country.

· $3000: Travel expenses for radio tour: Visit radio stations personally to help promote the song. This is all out of pocket expense, but essential.

· $4000: New merchandise to sell at performances and online, such as t-shirts, hats, CD’s, etc…

· $15,000: New sound & lighting system as some performances require that I set up my own sound & lights.

· $1000: Photography & Printing such as new promotional pictures, CD cover art, website pictures, show posters, etc…

· $10,000: Vehicle expenses for upcoming tour.

The Impact

I cannot describe in words how humbled and grateful I am for all of the support I’ve received over the years from my friends and fans, and for your consideration to help me now.

I’m even more grateful for the love and support of my wife, Tracy and my two amazing kids. They have been with me on this roller coaster ride, and have hung on through the highs and lows of my music career. With their love and support, I can continue to pursue what I love to do, and at the same time I’ll finally be able to support my family through my music career.

And what I love to do is sing, especially about experiences in my life. Although I write a lot of my own music, the song we will be recording “If It Was Me” was written by a Nashville songwriter Scott Sean White. The song describes some of my past struggles and pain perfectly, and how God will forgive all of us. I know there are a lot of different religions out there, and I respect your beliefs, but I’ve come a long way in my struggles as a Christian, and I’m proud to say that I’m finally giving God control of my life and my music. And with your help, I can share it with the rest of the world.

I’ll end with this… Elvis Presley has always been one of the biggest influences in my music. I can listen to his gospel songs for days and never get tired of them. One of my favorite quotes from Elvis has always stuck with me over the years. From his acceptance speech for the Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Nation Award in 1971, Elvis quoted song lyrics that I live by. He said “I learned very early in life that: ‘Without a song, the day would never end; without a song, a man ain’t got a friend; without a song, the road would never bend – without a song.’ So I keep singing a song. Goodnight. Thank you.” – Elvis Presley

I’m a big believer in “Pay-It-Forward”, and reaching this goal will help me pay-it-forward to a LOT of other people that deserve a chance just like I did. But I know that all of you can’t contribute financially. Believe me… I understand that more than you know. I can’t tell you how many times when I didn’t have two nickels to rub together. Life is very hard, and sometimes it’s a struggle, and I honestly mean it when I say thank you for even considering to help.

If you can’t contribute financially, (or even if you can), there are still other ways to help. The biggest thing you can do is to spread the word about this Indiegogo campaign. Share it with your friends, family and co-workers. Share it on FaceBook, Twitter, etc…. Heck, strike up a conversation with your hair stylist, or tell the guy at the McDonald’s drive thru window about it! Indiegogo has a lot of tools right here to make it easy to share my campaign.

With all of the opportunities that are sitting in my lap right now, I can’t believe how close I am to making all of this a reality. As Elvis said, all I ask is that you help me “Keep singing a song”, and allow me to continue reaching for the dreams that are so very close.

God Bless, and thank you so much for your generosity and kindness. Or as Elvis would say, Thank you… thank you very much. Campaign link: