My name is Ryan, 31, male in Ottawa, Canada currently living in a mental health facility and after having recently had both of my hips replaced and already being diagnosed years ago with BPD, PTSD, MDD and severe anxiety, I decided to attempt to complete one of my lifelong goals. While I am staying in a mental health facility for now, I have begun writing and epic fantasy series. Parts of my disorders make it nearly impossible at times to function in society, complete tasks, be reliable and reach my goals.

I have been working with mental health specialists and peer support workers for quite some time on building a better future for myself. I decided that I must finally write my book for a sense of accomplishment and to prove that I am a capable being, regardless of my struggles.

Aside from the fantasy novel itself, I am including a section in the book with regards to my experiences with mental health, therapy, support and resources. Advocation, awareness and acceptance are so very important to be rid of the stigmas attached to mental health disorders.

Life seems to continually challenge us , and at times can feel unbearable. Someone asked me if it ever gets better, and I can definitively say “yes”. As difficult as it may seem, or far to distant to reach. It is the small actions and choices we make that over a very long term develop our coping skills and prepare us for happiness. Things like attending psychiatric care groups, DBT programs and for some CBT. Love yourself first and always. Search for silver linings and turn your negative thoughts to positive ones. We will always have to face an inner struggle at times, and we must trust ourselves to know we have the strength to overcome, and accomplish goals.

I would be so greatful if you would take a moment to visit my Kickstarter page to find out about the novel, and with any kindness if your hearts, help me each my lifelong goal. I will gladly supply you with an adventurous fantasy novel.

Book 1
Memoirs of Mylencia: The Old War

Thank you so much for reading my post, may your day be filled with joy and company. My thoughts are with you all that struggle from BPD and any other disorders.