What is bookitas.com ?

bookitas.com is a literary platform that connects people with thousands of electronic securities (non-public) of Caribbeans authors, opening up a world hitherto unknown to some, giving them the opportunity to experiment with us ” suffle reading ”. This relatively new concept will allow the reader to make his choice without reading influences (advertising or other). Concept that will transform the literary explorer.

Why this project?

In rare French Caribbean are the authors, designers, writers, poets have seen their works border crossings. Among those who have seen their work set foot on other crops are: Edouard Glissant (September 21, 1928 – February 3, 2011 / Martinique), Aimé Césaire (June 26, 1913 – April 17, 2008 / Martinique), Frantz Fanon ( July 26, 1925 – December 6, 1961 / Martinique), Maryse Condé (Guadeloupe), Edwidge Danticat (Haiti), Gary Victor (Haiti), Franck Etienne (Haiti), Lionel Trouillot (Haiti), James Christmas (Haiti), Emmelie Prophet ( Haiti), Dany Laferrière (Haiti-Canada). Yet men and women of letters, in the French speaking Caribbean there are hundreds or thousands that despite increased lack of visibility, daily produce new works in the hope that one day the recognition will reward their efforts.

The appearance of the internet should be a lifesaver for both producers of literary works for the houses of caraïbéennes editions. Giving one to another as a way to rediscover, to seek new readers and establish a web presence that would benefit them, instead of suffering, almost all internet effects.
Bookitas, as an area of ​​dissemination of literary works will allow publishers Caribbean to have a space on the web where the literary productions of the authors will be exhibited in a public hitherto inaccessible.

Philosophy on the project !!!

Curiosity and exploration provide stories to tell, experiences to share with friends and family. The “shuffle reading” initiated by bookitas team will continue to do, without any puzzle, this beautiful tradition.

The “shuffle reading” is a concept that invites the player to explore sharpening his sense of discovery and adventure, it becomes literary adventurer, finding itself new authors under the cover of thousands more titles the mysterious-together.

With this simple and fascinating concept, bookitas invites you to become connoisseurs of fine Caribbean written in doing with us, your choice of reading without trailers or no external influences.